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Fiji's Shark Legends


Fijian culture is resplendent with shark legends and folklore which are woven into the fabric of its people.  Stories of 'Dakuwaqa', 'Gone Mai Wai' and 'Masilaca' document these ancient gods in many Fijian districts.  In maritime and riverine villages, folklore attest to an ancestral relationship or  belief that sharks are Vu (ancestral gods and protector spirits).


Although each version of the legends of the Shark Gods differ in color and texture,  the common underlying thread remains the same: the Shark Gods offer protection for their people.


For the people of Cakaudrove, Rukua in Beqa, Yanuca in Serua, those in Kadavu, and numerous tribes on the coast, the relationship held with the shark is singular and dynamic.  From generation to generation these maritime provinces passed down their Shark Legends by word of mouth.  


The tribal ancestors held strong beliefs that they possessed a unique and individual bond with the sharks, one which surpassed any other,  evidenced by their ability to communicate with the magnificent beasts.


This extraordinary bond came with an understanding of a circle of reciprocity: the Shark Gods would continue to safeguard man, and man in turn would protect the sharks, who would in turn protect the reefs upon which man relied upon for sustenance.


Today the legends remain living, breathing elements of Fijian culture.By adopting a Fijian shark you not only become a vital part of this circle of protection but you help keep the Fijian legends alive.

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